Conditions governing reproduction an entity of type: Concept
Segnalare tutte le limitazioni alla riproduzione dell’unità descrizione.
To identify any restrictions on reproduction of the unit of description.
Conditions governing reproduction
Condizioni che regolano la riproduzione
Conditions governing reproduction
Condizioni che regolano la riproduzione
Copyright is retained by the artist (Fonds)
Canada, York University Archives
Quotation or publication, beyond the fair use provisions of the copyright law, from records less than 25 years old requires written permission. (Fonds)
U.S., Minnesota Historical Society
May not be reproduced without the written permission of MGM-Hearst Metrotone News. (Item)
U.S. National Archives & Records Administration
The donor has retained all proprietary rights and copyright in the published and unpublished writings of Rose Wilder Lane and Laura Ingalls Wilder. Those materials may be duplicated but may not be published without permission. (Fonds)
U.S. National Archives & Records Administration
La reproduction de documents appartenant à l’Etat et conservés aux Archives nationales donne lieu à la perception d’un droit de reproduction. (Fonds)
France, Centre historique des Archives nationales
La riproduzione della serie “registri degli affari” è consentita unicamente in fotocopia da microfilm esistente. (Series)
Italy, Archivio di Stato di Firenze
Copyright is retained by the artist (Fondo)
Canada, York University Archives
Quotation or publication, beyond the fair use provisions of the copyright law, from records less than 25 years old requires written permission. (Fondo)
U.S., Minnesota Historical Society
May not be reproduced without the written permission of MGM-Hearst Metrotone News. (Unità documentaria)
U.S. National Archives & Records Administration
The donor has retained all proprietary rights and copyright in the published and unpublished writings of Rose Wilder Lane and Laura Ingalls Wilder. Those materials may be duplicated but may not be published without permission. (Fondo)
U.S. National Archives & Records Administration
La reproduction de documents appartenant à l’Etat et conservés aux Archives nationales donne lieu à la perception d’un droit de reproduction. (Fondo)
France, Centre historique des Archives nationales
La riproduzione della serie «registri degli affari» è consentita unicamente in fotocopia da microfilm esistente. (Serie)
Italia, Archivio di Stato di Firenze
Give information about conditions, such as copyright, governing the reproduction of the unit of description after access has been provided. If the existence of such conditions is unknown, record this. If there are no conditions, no statement is necessary.
Dare informazioni, quali ad esempio l’esistenza di copyright, che regolano la riproduzione dell'unità di descrizione, di cui sia permessa la consultazione. Se l’esistenza di tali condizioni è sconosciuta, segnalarlo. Se tali condizioni non sussistono, non è necessario segnalarlo.