Conditions governing access an entity of type: Concept
To provide information on the legal status or other regulations that restrict or affect access to the unit of description.
Fornire informazioni sulla condizione giuridica e su altre forme di regolamentazione che limitano o condizionano l’accesso all’unità di descrizione.
Conditions governing access
Condizioni che regolano l’accesso
Conditions governing access
Condizioni che regolano l’accesso
Unrestricted access, including display rights and consultation rights (Fonds)
Canada, York University Archives
Patient records contain private data; records are closed for 50 years from date of creation. Researchers may apply to use these records in accordance with State Archives access statement. (Series)
U.S., Minnesota Historical Society
Material restricted by 5 USC 552 (b)(1) - National Security (Series)
U.S. National Archives & Records Administration
Material restricted by terms of donor's deed of gift (Series)
U.S. National Archives & Records Administration
Use of audio, video, or film materials may require production of viewing copy. (Fonds)
U.S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
All materials of living persons other than Louis D. Rubin, Jr., are closed to research until January 2018 (25 years) or until date of death of such persons, whichever occurs first, except with the written permission of the persons involved. This restriction chiefly affects materials in Series 1.1., 6.2., and 7.1.
LDR material is without restriction. (Fonds)
U.S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Access to the entire fonds is restricted until 2005. Series 3 (Business ventures) is closed until 31
December 2000. (Fonds)
National Library of Australia
As of November 1999, 1170 file items in this series have been access examined. 1150 files have been determined as being open access, 18 files determined as open with exemption and two files determined as closed access. Other files in the series have not yet been access examined. The controlling agency for this series is the Department of Defense, Central Office. (Series)
National Archives of Australia
Archives publiques communicables conformément à la loi n° 79-18 du 3 janvier 1979, article 7 (délai de soixante ans à compter de la date du document). Cependant, même pour les documents déjà communicables en application de la loi, le très mauvais état matériel des documents ne permet pas d'assurer leur libre consultation; pour cette raison et dans l'attente d'un microfilmage, il reste nécessaire de déposer une demande d'autorisation. (Fonds, sub-fonds)
Direction des archives de France
Correspondance familiale non communicable avant 2010. (Fonds)
Direction des archives de France
La majorité des documents contenus dans ce fonds est désormais librement consultable. Néanmoins, la communication de certains dossiers relatifs au personnel est soumise au délai de communication prévu par l’article 7 de la loi n° 79-18 du 3 janvier 1979 (120 ans à compter de la date de naissance de
l’intéressé, 150 ans à compter de la date de naissance pour les documents comportant des informations à caractère médical). (Fonds)
Direction des archives de France
Consultazione limitata e con autorizzazione del Comitato per la pubblicazione delle Opere di Salvemini (Fonds)
Italy, Istituto Storico della Resistenza in Toscana
Para sua preservação, o acervo foi microfilmado e o acesso só é concedido por meio desse suporte. (Fonds)
Brazil, Arquivo Nacional
Unrestricted access, including display rights and consultation rights (Fondo)
Canada, York University Archives
Patient records contain private data; records are closed for 50 years from date of creation.
Researchers may apply to use these records in accordance with State Archives access statement. (Serie)
U.S., Minnesota Historical Society
Material restricted by 5 USC 552 (b)(1) - National Security (Serie)
U.S. National Archives & Records Administration
Material restricted by terms of donor’s deed of gift (Serie)
U.S. National Archives & Records Administration
Use of audio, video, or film materials may require production of viewing copy. (Fondo)
U.S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
All materials of living persons other than Louis D. Rubin, Jr., are closed to research until January 2018 (25 years) or until date of death of such persons, whichever occurs first, except with the written permission of the persons involved. This restriction chiefly affects materials in Series 1.1., 6.2., and 7.1. LDR material is without restriction. (Fondo)
U.S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Access to the entire fonds is restricted until 2005. Series 3 (Business ventures) is closed until 31 December 2000. (Fondo)
National Library of Australia
As of November 1999, 1170 file items in this series have been access examined. 1150 files have been determined as being open access, 18 files determined as open with exemption and two files determined as closed access. Other files in the series have not yet been access examined. The controlling agency for this series is the Department of Defense, Central Office. (Serie)
National Archives of Australia
Archives publiques communicables conformément à la loi n° 79-18 du 3 janvier 1979, article 7 (délai de soixante ans à compter de la date du document). Cependant, même pour les documents déjà communicables en application de la loi, le très mauvais état matériel des documents ne permet pas d’assurer leur libre consultation; pour cette raison et dans l’attente d’un microfilmage, il reste nécessaire de déposer une demande d’autorisation. (Fondo, sub-fondo)
Direction des archives de France
Correspondance familiale non communicable avant 2010. (Fondo)
Direction des archives de France
La majorité des documents contenus dans ce fonds est désormais librement consultable.
Néanmoins, la communication de certains dossiers relatifs au personnel est soumise au délai de communication prévu par l’article 7 de la loi n° 79-18 du 3 janvier 1979 (120 ans à compter de la date de naissance de l’intéressé, 150 ans à compter de la date de naissance pour les documents comportant des informations à caractère médical). (Fondo)
Direction des archives de France
Consultazione limitata e con autorizzazione del Comitato per la pubblicazione delle Opere di Salvemini (Fondo)
Italia, Istituto Storico della Resistenza in Toscana
Para sua preservação, o acervo foi microfilmado e o acesso só é concedido por meio desse suporte. (Fondo)
Brazil, Arquivo Nacional
Precisare la legge o la condizione giuridica, gli accordi, le regolamentazioni particolari e gli specifici provvedimenti che condizionano l’accesso all’unità di descrizione. Quando opportuno, indicare la durata del periodo di esclusione dalla consultazione e la data nella quale il materiale verrà reso disponibile.
Specify the law or legal status, contract, regulation or policy that affects access to the unit of description. Indicate the extent of the period of closure and the date at which the material will open when appropriate.