. "The fonds consists of correspondence, scrapbooks, photographs, \"The Diary Series\"(1971-1978);\nRelationship Drawings (1978-1981) (both of which includes 246 charcoal drawings, 40 sketches, 34 drawings, 5 etchings, 47 lithographs, 3 framed serigraphs, 1 sketchbook, and 1 pastel on paper); preliminary drawings for Angelica (1973) and Genesis; twelve original collage drawings for the book\nco-authored by Lucas and Margaret Laurence entitled The Christmas Story (1981) complemented with letters from Laurence while they were collaborating on the book; original prints (1970s); a sketchbook (1971); and Drawing Dedicated to my Daughter. Lucas provides an accompanying narrative to many of the drawings, giving context for the works and an account of their evolution between 1971 and 1979.\nThe initial sketchbook pages are also included, portraying intimate personal images which she likens to \"finding the achievement of my own voice.\" (Fonds)\nCanada, York University Archives \nThis series contains maps and charts that relate, primarily, to the states in insurrection. The records show topography, roads, railroads, locations of cities and towns, coastal areas and shorelines, lines of defense, approaches to forts, positions of water craft, and operations during William Tecumseh Sherman and the Union Army's advances upon Atlanta and upon Vicksburg. (Series)\nU.S. National Archives & Records Administration\nOn November 25, 1963, President Johnson attended funeral services for President John F. Kennedy at St. Matthew's Cathedral. Although the Diary does not contain any details about the funeral, it does note that he returned to the Executive Office Building at 3:36 p.m. Later in the afternoon he received foreign dignitaries at the State Department, met with Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda of Japan, met with President Charles de Gaulle of France, and met with Prime Minister Lester Pearson of Canada. In the evening Johnson attended a meeting for state governors before meeting with his economic advisors. (Item)\nU.S. National Archives & Records Administration Correspondence, bills, and receipts, including slave bills of sale, of Siamese twins Chang and Eng Bunker\nrelating to their North Carolina property, planting interests, family matters, and arrangement for exhibition tours. Also included are an account book, 1833-1839, showing income from public appearances and itinerary; clippings; photographs; articles about the twins by Worth B. Daniels and\nJonathan Daniels and related materials; and ���Joined at Birth,��� a 1998 videotape about the twins that was made by Advance Medical Productions of Chapel Hill, N.C., for the Discovery Channel. (Fonds)\nU.S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill\nCase contending that the Minnesota Comprehensive Health Care Act of 1976 is pre-empted by the Employees Retirement Income Securities Act. (File)\nU.S., Minnesota Historical Society\nThe papers document many of Eddie Mabo���s activities, especially during the years 1972-1992. These include his involvement in a number of family-based business and employment-creation ventures; his establishment of the Black Community School in Townsville, the first institution of its kind in Australia;\nhis interest and involvement in indigenous arts; his involvement in a number of indigenous health, housing and education related boards, associations and committees; and his support for Torres Strait Islander independence and self-determination. The papers include material on the landmark land claim\ncase, a number of personal documents, job applications and some song lyrics. In the later years of his life, Mabo kept diaries; some of these (1976, 1985-1992) are preserved in the Mabo Papers. (Fonds)\nNational Library of Australia\nCe fonds unique en Mayenne est susceptible d'int��resser tout �� la fois l'histoire sociale, ��conomique et industrielle du d��partement. Il contient des documents tr��s divers, des pi��ces comptables, de la correspondance, des plans, des papiers relatifs aux gr��ves, �� la s��curit�� dans les mines, au groupement ��conomique d'achat, �� la Soci��t�� de secours, etc. A titre d'exemple, la longue s��rie constitu��e par les comptes rendus hebdomadaires de l'ing��nieur relatifs �� la marche de l'entreprise (1910-1930) constitue une source exceptionnelle puisqu'il s'agit d'un v��ritable \"journal de bord\" de l'exploitation. (Fonds)\nFrance, Archives d��partementales de la Mayenne\nCes dossiers comprennent les projets d���ordre du jour ainsi que les projets de textes devant ��tre d��lib��r��s en Conseil des ministres, transmis au secr��taire g��n��ral de la Pr��sidence par le secr��tariat g��n��ral du Gouvernement, et les fiches relatives aux mesures individuelles. (Series)\nFrance, Centre historique des Archives nationales\nDe juin 1818 �� 1928, l���acte d���engagement volontaire enregistre les nom, pr��nom, ��ge, profession, domicile, date et lieu de naissance, et signalement du volontaire (taille, cheveux, sourcils, yeux, front, nez, bouche, menton, visage, signes particuliers), les noms, pr��noms et domicile des parents. (Series)\nFrance, archives communales de Nantes\nCes �� Etats des arr��ts du Conseil et arr��ts en commandement �� sont des inventaires qui r��pertorient : 1��) les arr��ts simples rendus par le Conseil priv��, avec la date de l���arr��t, le num��ro d���ordre de la minute, les noms du rapporteur et de la partie qui a demand�� une exp��dition ; 2��) les arr��ts en commandement, avec la date, le num��ro d���ordre et le destinataire de l���arr��t, et ��ventuellement le nom du secr��taire d���Etat charg�� de conserver la minute originale de l���arr��t. (Series)\nFrance, Centre historique des Archives nationales\nA signaler un plan en couleur du chemin d���Evry et chemin de Paris �� Villeroy et Orangis. (Item)\nFrance, archives d��partementales de l���Essonne\nIl fondo raccoglie gli affari istruiti dalla Segreteria di Stato e risolti, fino alla riforma dei Consigli del 1789, nel Consiglio di Stato, successivamente, nel Consiglio di Stato, finanze e guerra oppure risolti direttamente dal Granduca nel suo Gabinetto. Ad essi fanno seguito le filze di affari e i protocolli del\nCommissario imperiale e dell���Amministratore generale della Toscana che ressero l���ex Granducato fra il 1807 e il 1808, prima della diretta annessione all���Impero francese. Il fondo conserva anche i cosiddetti ���Affari di sanit�����, riuniti a quelli della Segreteria di Stato per decreto dell���Amministratore generale della Toscana nel 1808. (Fonds)\nItaly, Archivio di Stato di Firenze\nI documenti sono trascritti da varie fonti e precisamente: a) dalle fotoriproduzioni delle carte a Prato; b) dagli appunti e riassunti di Gaetano Salvemini delle medesime carte; c) da Die Internationalen Beziehungen im Zeitalter des Imperialismus. Das Jahr 1914 bis zum Kriegsausbruch, herausgegeben von Otto Hoetzsch, Berlin, Verlag von Reimar Hobbing, 1931 (Sub-file)\nItaly, Istituto Storico della Resistenza in Toscana\nO fundo �� constitu��do de correspond��ncia, discursos, relat��rios, recortes de jornais e publica����es, documenta����o referente ��s atividades do titular como militar, ministro da Guerra, do Superior Tribunal Militar e chefe do Estado-Maior das For��as Armadas, entre outros cargos, e �� sua vida pessoal,\nabordando a Coluna Prestes, o Tenentismo, a Revolu����o de 1930 e o Estado Novo. (Fonds)\nBrazil, Arquivo Nacional"@en . "3.3.1" . "Illustrare sinteticamente gli ambiti (cronologici e geografici) e il contenuto (come la tipologia documentaria, le materie trattate, le procedure amministrative) dell���unit�� di descrizione, pertinenti al livello di descrizione."@it . "Ambiti e contenuto"@it . "To enable users to judge the potential relevance of the unit of description."@en . "Scope and content"@en . "The fonds consists of correspondence, scrapbooks, photographs, ��The Diary Series��(1971-1978); Relationship Drawings (1978-1981) (both of which includes 246 charcoal drawings, 40 sketches, 34 drawings, 5 etchings, 47 lithographs, 3 framed serigraphs, 1 sketchbook, and 1 pastel on paper); preliminary drawings for Angelica (1973) and Genesis; twelve original collage drawings for the book co-authored by Lucas and Margaret Laurence entitled The Christmas Story (1981) complemented with letters from Laurence while they were collaborating on the book; original prints (1970s); a sketchbook (1971); and Drawing Dedicated to my Daughter. Lucas provides an accompanying narrative to many of the drawings, giving context for the works and an account of their evolution between 1971 and 1979. The initial sketchbook pages are also included, portraying intimate personal images which she likens to ��finding the achievement of my own voice.�� (Fondo) \nCanada, York University Archives\nThis series contains maps and charts that relate, primarily, to the states in insurrection. The records show topography, roads, railroads, locations of cities and towns, coastal areas and shorelines, lines of defense, approaches to forts, positions of water craft, and operations during William Tecumseh Sherman and the Union Army���s advances upon Atlanta and upon Vicksburg. (Serie)\nU.S. National Archives & Records Administration\nOn November 25, 1963, President Johnson attended funeral services for President John F. Kennedy at St. Matthew���s Cathedral. Although the Diary does not contain any details about the funeral, it does note that he returned to the Executive Office Building at 3:36 p.m. Later in the afternoon he received foreign dignitaries at the State Department, met with Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda of Japan, met with President Charles de Gaulle of France, and met with Prime Minister Lester Pearson of Canada. In the evening Johnson attended a meeting for state governors before meeting with his economic advisors. (Unit�� documentaria) \nU.S. National Archives & Records Administration\nCorrespondence, bills, and receipts, including slave bills of sale, of Siamese twins Chang and Eng Bunker relating to their North Carolina property, planting interests, family matters, and arrangement for exhibition tours. Also included are an account book, 1833-1839, showing income from public appearances and itinerary; clippings; photographs; articles about the twins by Worth B. Daniels and Jonathan Daniels and related materials; and ��Joined at Birth,�� a 1998 videotape about the twins that was made by Advance Medical Productions of Chapel Hill, N.C., for the Discovery Channel. (Fondo)\nU.S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill\nCase contending that the Minnesota Comprehensive Health Care Act of 1976 is pre-empted by the Employees Retirement Income Securities Act. (Fascicolo/unit�� archivistica)\nU.S., Minnesota Historical Society\nThe papers document many of Eddie Mabo���s activities, especially during the years 1972-1992. \nThese include his involvement in a number of family-based business and employment-creation ventures; his establishment of the Black Community School in Townsville, the first institution of its kind in Australia; his interest and involvement in indigenous arts; his involvement in a number of indigenous health, housing and education related boards, associations and committees; and his support for Torres Strait Islander independence and self-determination. The papers include material on the landmark land claim case, a number of personal documents, job applications and some song lyrics. In the later years of his life, Mabo kept diaries; some of these (1976, 1985- 1992) are preserved in the Mabo Papers. (Fondo)\nNational Library of Australia\nCe fonds unique en Mayenne est susceptible d���int��resser tout �� la fois l���histoire sociale, ��conomique et industrielle du d��partement. Il contient des documents tr��s divers, des pi��ces comptables, de la correspondance, des plans, des papiers relatifs aux gr��ves, �� la s��curit�� dans les mines, au groupement ��conomique d���achat, �� la Soci��t�� de secours, etc. A titre d���exemple, la longue s��rie constitu��e par les comptes rendus hebdomadaires de l���ing��nieur relatifs �� la marche de l���entreprise (1910-1930) constitue une source exceptionnelle puisqu���il s���agit d���un v��ritable ��journal de bord�� de l���exploitation. (Fondo)\nFrance, Archives d��partementales de la Mayenne\nCes dossiers comprennent les projets d���ordre du jour ainsi que les projets de textes devant ��tre d��lib��r��s en Conseil des ministres, transmis au secr��taire g��n��ral de la Pr��sidence par le secr��tariat g��n��ral du Gouvernement, et les fiches relatives aux mesures individuelles. (Serie) \nFrance, Centre historique des Archives nationales\nDe juin 1818 �� 1928, l���acte d���engagement volontaire enregistre les nom, pr��nom, ��ge, profession, domicile, date et lieu de naissance, et signalement du volontaire (taille, cheveux, sourcils, yeux, front, nez, bouche, menton, visage, signes particuliers), les noms, pr��noms et domicile des parents. (Serie)\nFrance, archives communales de Nantes\nCes ��Etats des arr��ts du Conseil et arr��ts en commandement�� sont des inventaires qui r��pertorient: 1��) les arr��ts simples rendus par le Conseil priv��, avec la date de l���arr��t, le num��ro d���ordre de la minute, les noms du rapporteur et de la partie qui a demand�� une exp��dition; 2��) les arr��ts en commandement, avec la date, le num��ro d���ordre et le destinataire de l���arr��t, et ��ventuellement le nom du secr��taire d���Etat charg�� de conserver la minute originale de l���arr��t. (Serie)\nFrance, Centre historique des Archives nationales\nA signaler un plan en couleur du chemin d���Evry et chemin de Paris �� Villeroy et Orangis. (Unit�� documentaria)\nFrance, archives d��partementales de l���Essonne\nIl fondo raccoglie gli affari istruiti dalla Segreteria di Stato e risolti, fino alla riforma dei Consigli del 1789, nel Consiglio di Stato, successivamente, nel Consiglio di Stato, finanze e guerra oppure risolti direttamente dal Granduca nel suo Gabinetto. Ad essi fanno seguito le filze di affari e i protocolli del Commissario imperiale e dell���Amministratore generale della Toscana che ressero l���ex Granducato fra il 1807 e il 1808, prima della diretta annessione all���Impero francese. Il fondo conserva anche i cosiddetti ��Affari di sanit����, riuniti a quelli della Segreteria di Stato per decreto dell���Amministratore generale della Toscana nel 1808. (Fondo)\nItalia, Archivio di Stato di Firenze\nI documenti sono trascritti da varie fonti e precisamente: a) dalle fotoriproduzioni delle carte a Prato; b) dagli appunti e riassunti di Gaetano Salvemini delle medesime carte; c) da Die Internationalen Beziehungen im Zeitalter des Imperialismus. Das Jahr 1914 bis zum Kriegsausbruch, herausgegeben von Otto Hoetzsch, Berlin, Verlag von Reimar Hobbing, 1931 (Sottofascicolo)\nItalia, Istituto Storico della Resistenza in Toscana\nO fundo �� constitu��do de correspond��ncia, discursos, relat��rios, recortes de jornais e publica����es, documenta����o referente ��s atividades do titular como militar, ministro da Guerra, do Superior Tribunal Militar e chefe do Estado-Maior das For��as Armadas, entre outros cargos, e �� sua vida pessoal, abordando a Coluna Prestes, o Tenentismo, a Revolu����o de 1930 e o Estado Novo.(Fondo)\nBrazil, Arquivo Nacional"@it . "Give a summary of the scope (such as, time periods, geography) and content, (such as documentary forms, subject matter, administrative processes) of the unit of description, appropriate to the level of description."@en . "3.3.1" . "Scope and content"@en . "Ambiti e contenuto"@it . . "Permettere agli utenti di valutare la potenziale rilevanza dell���unit�� di descrizione"@it .